Most Comfortable Office Chair

I am all about good posture and ergonomics when it comes to desk chairs and I love, love, love my new chair from Autonomous!

Autonomous is a global network of innovators. Engineers who take apart your day, examine the pieces and then reassemble your routine to help you #worksmarter. They point their sole focus towards being the gold standard of the smart office industry. The mission is to help smart people work smarter. From a small apartment in NYC to 60 locations around the world.

Dedicated to helping people work smarter, the ErgoChair is now helping more than 130,000 customers globally, be healthier, happier and more productive. Behind our desks, people are re-imagining whole industries, giving life to AI, developing new medicines, designing robots and even exploring outer space—NASA, Singularity, Harvard, Uber, Orbital Insights, Dell Computers and Deep Map, just to name a few!

Autonomous makes workplace of the future—an everyday reality for people who are changing the world! Click here to learn more and use my code AngelaProffitt for an exclusive price to get an amazing deal!!


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