Do you love your Pen + Paper?


From our experience in working with clients and coaching others in the industry, we think we like pen and paper, but in reality, it's just a habit.  A habit that can be broken with repetition! If you are ready to ditch your paper and pen for a more efficient and secure option, here are some pro tips!

  • First things first, be sure that your phone and other devices are backed up to iCloud
  • Need to make a list? Reach for your phone and open a note, you can even voice dictate if you don't want to type
  • Get rid of that paper planner, utilize an online calendar is SO much more efficient!
  • There are so many apps that increase efficiency. Some of our favorites are Wunderlist, iCal, Good Notes, dropbox and Google Drive.

Are you ready to make the switch to being more productive? YES, SHOW ME MORE!

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