My team and I alongside the country and world have been mourning the deaths of Ahmaud Arbery, Tony McDade, Breonna Taylor, Nina Pop, and George Floyd. In the wake of these tragedies, the national conversation around institutional racism and police brutality have taken center stage.
The conversation is necessary, and one we are committed to joining. We aim to help lift creatives, event professionals, and small business owners. Our goal is to foster diversity within the business world, and we must speak out when small business owners, event professionals, and creatives are being targeted for the color of their skin.
It is not enough to not be racist. We must actively be antiracist. As a leader in the Hospitality industry and our community, we face these inequities head-on to be part of the solution. I do not have all of the answers, and as a leader, I’d be remiss if I didn’t share that I need to do better.
Last week, I posted openly on my social channels that “All Lives Matter,” unaware of my ignorance (lack knowledge) in how insensitive this was, and I am sorry. Because “All Lives Matter,” is a goal that is not yet accomplished in the Black community.
I share this vulnerable message to say that I know sometimes I don’t say the right things. Sometimes I completely get it wrong, and a good friend reminded me of something very important. They said:
“Be brave enough to say “I don’t understand, and I was wrong,” and have the courage to follow up with “but I am actively listening and learning.”
To be in allyship with all intersects of the Black community as well as People of Color, we must call out racism in our everyday interactions, we must continue these conversations in our immediate circles of influence, we must not remain silent, and above all, we must act with integrity, a core value my dad taught me. We must at our very core do the right thing, even when we think no one is watching or listening.
I share this message so it is incredibly clear on where we stand. To our Black clients, our Black creatives and Black event professionals: We see you. We hear you. We support you, and we stand with you. With this, we remain steadfast in our commitment to lifting small business owners, creatives, and event professionals guided by our values of Integrity, Honesty, Diversity, and Inclusion.
I will hold myself accountable. I will listen to and help magnify the underrepresented voices and advocate for change. I do not have all of the answers, but I will align with experts and soak up as much literary materials and academia to advance my knowledge.
I will do better and I will stand with you,
Angela Proffitt