What’s Really Going On With Your Health? Let’s Talk About It!

Hi GSD Leader! I want to share something close to my heart with you, and I need you to know upfront—this has nothing to do with politics or who’s interviewing who. This is about living your best life, feeling truly amazing, and ultimately being the happiest and healthiest version of yourself.

Now, I’m not speaking from a soapbox. I’ve been through some really tough health issues that forced me to become my own advocate. It’s taken me a long time, but I’ve realized just how messed up things are when it comes to what we’re putting in our bodies and how the system is designed to treat us. If you’re like me, someone who cares deeply about feeling good and living a long, vibrant life, I hope you take this to heart.

The Hard Truth About Food And Allergies

Naturally, when you figure out something big, you want to share it with the people you love. But let’s be real, not everyone gets it, especially if they haven’t felt the same pain or gone through the same sickness. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve gotten the eye rolls or seen the frustration when I talk about food allergies or sensitivities. One friend even said they don’t date people with allergies because they can’t share food with them! I mean, that’s sweet, but really? If you take a hard look at what’s in the American diet and the stuff we eat daily, it’s absolutely horrifying.

I’ve spent the last few years really diving into this because I had no choice. I was sick. And when you’re sick, you start paying attention to what’s causing it. For me, it became crystal clear—what we put in our bodies matters.

What I’ve Learned The Hard Way

Recently, a friend shared a podcast with me. At first, I thought, “Ugh, this is going to be a big time commitment.” But I listened, and I’m SO glad I did. The topic hit close to home because lately, people have been asking me if I used Ozempic to lose weight. Full disclosure: I didn’t even know what that was until someone DM’d me on Instagram. I had to ask ChatGPT (because let’s be honest, Google can be overwhelming), and I wasn’t surprised by what I found.

You see, I spent a decade in healthcare, and I’ve seen the inner workings of the system. It’s no secret—it’s corrupt. We’re taught to mask our symptoms with pharma meds, but that’s not real healing. It’s like putting a band-aid on a bullet wound. And that cycle of meds started to take over my life.

The Podcast That Opened My Eyes Even More

The podcast I listened to was by a brother and sister, Calley and Casey Means. They were dropping some major truth bombs about how Big Pharma profits off keeping us sick. I couldn’t agree more. They also talked about Ozempic and how meds like that are often just quick fixes, which don’t get to the root cause of the problem. Instead, we need to focus on real, sustainable solutions—like what we’re eating every day.

Here’s the deal: We’ve been brainwashed by the FDA and food industry into thinking that the processed junk we’re eating is okay. But it’s making us sick—really sick. Heart disease, diabetes, obesity… the list goes on. And the system isn’t set up to help us heal. It’s set up to keep us dependent on pills. That realization hit me hard, especially after going through my own health scares.

My Own Wake-Up Call: Food Really Is Medicine

During a recent trip with my mom, I let myself have some sugar. Guess what? I didn’t feel great. When I told her how I was feeling, her first suggestion was, “Maybe you need a colonoscopy.” But honestly, it’s not about needing another medical test. It’s about paying attention to what we’re eating and how it affects our bodies. A lot of us have gotten so far away from understanding what “normal” feels like.

Truth bomb: Normal isn’t needing toilet paper. When you eat clean and your body is in balance, things work as they should. But the American diet? It’s designed to make you unhealthy, tired, and disconnected from what your body actually needs. Until you go through something like this, you might not fully understand where I’m coming from, and that’s okay. But I care about you, and that’s why I’m sharing this.

Don’t Wait For A Health Scare To Pay Attention

Please don’t wait until something bad happens to take charge of your health. I know, I might sound a little crazy or extreme to some of you, but I know this is important. Start looking at what’s in your food. Learn where it comes from. How it’s prepared. Every single detail matters. The system we’re in doesn’t want you to pay attention to these things because it profits from you being too busy, too tired, or too sick to care.

I want you to know that I care. And that’s why I’m sending this message to you. If you want to check out the podcast that really spoke to me, click HERE or watch the video above!

I love you all, and I want us to live long, healthy lives together. Take this seriously, and please—let’s start having real conversations about what’s happening with our health.

Take care of yourselves,

Angela 🌱💪

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