Are you Setting Goals for Yourself? And Your Business?

Have you tried for years to set goals and carry them out? But despite having the best of intentions, you never achieve them? “Setting goals is something we should be doing, but we never know how much business we are going to get each year.” Do you find yourself saying that? I used to, however, what a business mentor taught me is that you can set goals and tell yourself how much business do I WANT and how much do I need?  That is 2 different things. Do you know the difference?

Another large reason is this thing called distraction. And other people. You down with OPP? Other people’s problems?? I used to be that way, however, now that I am aware of how to spot an energy vampire, I run for cover!

If you are anything like me, I am very good at selling but not very good at managing; that is people and time. And to be good at goal setting, you have to be good at managing – not just others, but yourself, too. Being self aware of what you do with your time and how you spend your time is the first step to that reflection in the mirror.  It’s called calendar time blocking. I don’t mean on a cute paper planner, I mean on a calendar that lives in the cloud. Where you are consistent with your names and colors so you can search things monthly to see for yourself how much time you have wasted OR better yet, where you are obsessing over things that only you would notice. This is the first step to setting goals.  

Successful business owners know they can’t do everything on their own. In order to really be profitable, they learn quick to surround themselves with people that are amazing at the things they suck at. And to really be “whole” having different types of personalities is crucial. This is where you get the most value from learning your blind spots. Developing this ability will set you apart from other businesses.  Step two, is to set boundaries, or rules rather. And communicate them to your team and your clients.

Rule 1:  Each Goal Must Be Within the Goal Setter’s Control

Don’t just say “increase sales 20  percent” or “get 1 new client per week.” Too many outside factors can affect the achievement of goals like this. Instead, base your goals on real facts (addressing a backlog or meeting a forecast, for example) and make each one is accomplish-able mostly by hard work – like finishing a project or completing certain tasks that move the company forward.

Rule 2:  Each Goal Must Be Quantifiable

The goal should be clear enough so that there’s no argument about whether it’s been reached or not. A final, signed contract, a working prototype, an asset that can be touched, a number that’s clearly stated on a report – these are examples of quantifiable goals. They are either accomplished or they’re not. In most universities, an “A” is achieved with a test score above 93. You either get it or you don’t. Your goals should follow the same rule.

Rule 3:  Everyone’s Goals Are Reviewed on a Specific Day (Such as the First Monday of the Month)

No exceptions. No excuses. It must be clear that to keep the company on track, reaching established goals is the number one priority – above putting out fires or attending to customers or problems that just have to be solved (see above-this is called distraction). That means put it on the calendar and stick to it.

I get it, you’re busy. But by assessing how you are spending your time, doing the things you are best at in your company will free up some time for you, or should at least.  Fill that time with things that bring you balance. If you need guidance with this; someone to light a fire under you, like an accountability partner, ask your best gal or business pal.  And if you are still struggling, hire a professional coach. That is what we are for. To help you reach those goals. Because why are you doing what you do everyday anyway? Use your time wisely.  Life is short.

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