Highlight: Ask Siri

If you have an iPhone 📱and you haven't potty trained Siri to your voice 🗣yet, you are working way harder and not smarter. A few things…

*First, make sure Siri is on ✨. Believe it or not some factory iPhones you actually have to go into your settings and turn it on!
*Second, don't expect Siri to understand what you are saying in a bar, or at an event or anywhere that is loud (Apple is working on perfecting this technology).
*Third, the more you use Siri the more familiar Siri becomes with your voice.

Let's talk about safety 🦺for a moment and I'm going to geek out for a split second and also mention ergonomics.

First off, texting and driving can kill you or someone else, so… DON'T DO IT 📵! Before Marco Polo existed (which is the most awesome, free, video texting app), there would be times where I voice dictated to a client and it accidentally said super inappropriate things (like sex, dick) but I'd rather apologize than die.

Okay, for the geeky ergonomics part, have you ever owned a Blackberry? Even a decade later my right thumb 👍🏻still hurts from using the side wheel and I don't think I'll ever get rid of “Blackberry Thumb”. And my chiropractor who I frequently see educated me on why my elbow, my shoulder and my neck are consistently stiff.

If you had to operate with your hands tied behind your back I bet you, you would talk away to Siri, so give it a try!

Here, I'll even tell you what to say! (in order for this to work you have to be a subscriber to my podcast 🎙- Business Unveiled)

“Hey Siri, listen to the podcast Business Unveiled

Give it a try, Siri is like a free assistant!


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