In this week’s episode of Weddings Unveiled, we will help you to learn the significance of pre-qualifying vendors for your clients. As a seasoned event planner with over 15 years of experience, I recommend vendors to my clients; however, the team members I recommend for them aren’t the same for every couple. It is important to be knowledgeable of your clients’ personalities, as well as the vendors’, so you know they will be a good fit for one another.
Podcast Episode 45: Be Certain Your Vendors are the Right Fit
In this podcast, my lead consultant Alison and I share a story from a past wedding where the photographers were not a great fit for the couple. They were all very nice people, but their personalities did not mesh well together on the wedding day. There was a lot of tension between the parents, the bride and groom and the photographers on what was expected of the pictures. This tension lasted for weeks, even after the wedding with very aggressive emails between the couple and photographer. As the planners, it is our job to diffuse the tension and solve the problem. We hope after hearing this episode, you’ll learn some tips to use if you’re ever in a similar situation!

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Photo: Divine Images