Streamline Your Sales Funnel

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Booking your ideal client shouldn’t be so hard. In today’s world your website, sales copy and inquiry process need to be doing most of the work for you. In this episode, I chat with Margaux Fraise about how to focus on what is important for your ideal client.

In this episode, we are chatting about:

-Using sales funnels to work for you
-How to integrate new software to attract your ideal client
Strategic methods to take your inquiry process to the next level

Here were my Key takeaways for y'all:

-Safeguard your business from the unexpected
-Perfect your onboarding process
-Always have a strategy

More about Margaux:

I'm Margaux, I started Harmony Creative Studio in 2011. Couples are always telling me how calm yet ‘in charge' I seem on wedding days – and that is music to this Type ‘A' personality! If there is one word that I love above any other – it's ‘Harmony', so I went ahead and put it right in our name. I really think Gandhi had it right when he said “Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony.” We strive for that everyday. Truth be told – I wasn't always a wedding planner. Working from a retail consulting background gives me a unique perspective on events: I know how people instinctively tend to move through spaces, and how they respond to different signs or prompts. I'm more aware of how guests interact with objects or touch and feel things, or why people respond to different textures and textiles. I've studied how language, colors and even shapes affect how people perceive design and value. I use all these tools plus my 10 years in the wedding industry to help build our events to be the best possible version of whatever you have in mind.

Connect with Margaux below! Check out her educational and speaking website:, with links to her courses, educational blog and speaking calendar.


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