This month, I am thrilled to be speaking at the Educational Luncheon for the St. Louis ILEA chapter! I will be sharing the greatest technology necessities and hacks to boost your business and how to get out of the technology “bubble.” I use technology daily to manage millions of details and dollars, and I know that you too can maximize your efforts and contend with your top competitors by utilizing your technology efficiently and effectively.

Free Your Time With Technology and Success Will Follow

I Want In!
As I’ve mentioned before, investing in your business is essential for success. This means investing time and energy into learning. With that being said, we would love to see you there, ready to learn, on Thursday, May 17th from 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. (BONUS: free parking on site)! Registration closes on Monday at 5pm!

Ticket Time!
You may register to attend the luncheon HERE! By following this link, you will find all the details you need! (Just in case you’re wondering, there is a special discount for students and ILEA members!)

Hold the phone: what is ILEA?
ILEA stands for International Live Events Association. I have been involved with ILEA since the Nashville chapter was formed roughly 5 years ago. It was the fastest growing chapter in the world. I served on the board for two years as their education chair and then the communications chair. The international opportunities for networking are priceless. The purpose of this amazing organization is to bring education, networking, and ethics to the various disciplines in the events industry. I love being an educator and leading industry professionals to find success by investing in productivity. If this sounds like something you could benefit from, HERE is that link one more time!

See you there!

This blog was edited by Lauren Ringo

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