I think you’re really going to enjoy this week’s episode of Weddings Unveiled – my free podcast offering professional tips and secrets on wedding planning and event design. As always, I’ll take you and other wedding and event professionals behind the scenes of the event industry for the lessons you need to grow your skills and build your business.
Episode 14: Leaving Family Out Of The Loop Leads To Big Problems
This week, we’ll discuss a tough, sad situation experienced by one of my clients whose parents were recently divorced prior to her wedding. With tension amongst the family, the bride had an idea about how she’d like to handle the situation to ensure her parents had limited interaction, but she never communicated it to them. As a result, things got a bit complicated on the day of the wedding. Listen as my co-host Alison and I share the challenging realities of uncommunicated wishes and why you should encourage your clients to share them with their close family members and friends before the big day.

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Photo credit: Joe Buissink