I hope you’ve the found the weekly stories, tips and lessons in Weddings Unveiled helpful for your wedding or event planning business. This week’s episode tackles a tough topic that any event professional may occasionally experience, and I want you to be ahead of the curve.
Episode 27: Explaining Hotel Commissions To Clients
I have a secret for you: People pay planners so someone else can plan their event for them. Crazy idea, right? Well, occasionally even paying clients don’t get (or simply forget) the memo, so they jump into the planning process a bit more than they should. Today’s episode discusses an example of a client who wanted to take control of handling room blocks. Unfortunately, they didn’t fully understand the contracts, which ended up causing some trouble. Listen in to today’s episode as Alison and I share how to explain hotel commissions to clients and, more importantly, how to respond when clients take on tasks that should be reserved for you as the planner.

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