How Time Blocking Saved My Business
How valuable is your time? Many may say that their time is priceless, but have you broken down the real numbers to determine your ROT (Return on Time)?
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How valuable is your time? Many may say that their time is priceless, but have you broken down the real numbers to determine your ROT (Return on Time)?
Timing is everything. We all have a plan right? The way we think things are going to go. Whether it’s personal or professional, we all have a journey we are on and a path we have planned to take.
What is your bigger purpose? Have you really thought about it? I’ve noticed throughout my travels and experiences, that many times people tell me I’m their “first”. The first person who made them feel special and included.
Do you remember your first time? Haha… I know what you’re thinking… that’s not what I mean. I’m talking about the first time you did something new! And what you learned from your experience. I recently traveled to the Atlanta Market to shop for a client and it brought back all the memories of the first time I went and let me tell you, I had no clue what I was doing!
Have you noticed how every day is full of surprises? Even though I live by my calendar, there is always something unexpected and new that happens! The universe brings us together in amazing ways. We’ve been focusing on lifelines lately (if you’ve listened to the past few episodes) and if you are a business owner, your brand story is a huge part of your lifeline.
If you’ve been a listener over the years you may have heard me mention the 4 Ps. These are the Phases of GSD, the pieces that every business needs to achieve success! This episode highlights a keynote that I delivered last year in Turkey that sums up the GSD phase of Processes and organizing your business into what I like to call “Time Pots”.
We are in full swing of the New Year! Whatever your New Year's resolution was, how is it coming?? The number 1 reason we fail at meeting our goals, is because we're not making SMART goals! If you're not familiar, this is life changing! So buckle-up and get ready for an “ah ha!” moment. If..
This podcast will be a little different…special...Real, Raw, BTS of how the family life line activity went…
Recently I had the most amazing experience in Egypt, and my friend Ramez Salama, co-founder of High End Journeys, is sitting down with me to talk about all things luxury travel and exclusive luxury experiences. High End Journeys is a boutique luxury travel agency, started by Egyptologists and best friends, Ahmed Aziz and Ramez Salama.
I love it when friends, family, and clients send me articles because some of them genuinely have no clue what I do (it depends by the hour, and who I'm talking to). Some of the articles are awesome, because it further validates and explains the new opportunities to consider as a business owner. I literally..